The Right To Clothing

Oreoluwa Ojo
2 min readApr 19, 2021

Recently, I read this article on islamophobia in France and got a better perspective on the issue of terrorism and religion. Here are my thought on the issue as it relates to dressing.

Yes, Muslim women should be free to wear their religious attire. Placing a ban on the hijab is an infringement on their rights as seen in Article 11 of the International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights (ICESCR), under which the right to choose ones clothing is recognized.

The right to clothing is similarly recognized under Article 25 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR).

However, it'll be irresponsible to not admit that a good number of terrorist acts today are not being done in the name of Islam. We've heard stories of suicide bombers, dressed like Muslim women in disguise, detonating bombs in populated areas and causing chaos and destruction on a large scale.

While I’m not saying that the French ban is just, it’s only logical to attach fear to something that has come to be associated with killings and destructions. Going by this narrative, we might as well just ban airplanes, guns, knives and every other tool that has been used in acts of terrorism.

Another angle on the issue is this, not all Muslim women choose to wear the hijab.

Women who choose to
identify in particular ways religiously or culturally should be able make their own
choices about what norms they follow rather than being forced to comply with rules that
others impose on them.

I want to believe that if reverse had been the case and Christophia was the order of the day in France, maybe, just maybe, crosses and other christian religious artifacts would be banned.

Having said all that, I would now like to reiterate that you and I have the right to wear exactly what it is we want to wear. I have the right to make that choice and so do you.

The way I choose to dress is an important part of my self expression, affiliation and religious beliefs. Take that away from me and you might as well deny my existence as a human.

I rest my case.

